What is the Exchange Club?

What is Exchange Club? It’s “America’s Service Club”. Since 1911, Exchange Clubs have been selflessly serving their
communities. If you’re looking for an opportunity to make a difference in your community, Exchange Club is for YOU!

Through Programs of Service – Americanism, Community Service, Child Abuse Prevention, and Youth & Education – members support activities that benefit local youth, promote pride in our country, and honor military and public service providers.

The Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook is one of over 500 chapters across the nation comprising more than 18,000 members. Johns and Wadmalaw Islands are focal points for our club’s efforts, supporting and raising money for thirty-two local charities. We also take great pride in flying American flags several times a year in highly visible locations to honor South Carolina heroes lost in service to our country.

Please consider joining us. This invitation is for all who wish to join, not just residents of Kiawah and Seabrook. We meet twice a month for dinner, followed by distinguished speakers from the Charleston Area. Service committees gather separately to work on initiatives and projects. Look us up on the web at www.ks-exchangeclub.com and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

For further information please click on the following link: What is Exchange Club.pdf

To join the Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook, please click on the following link: 



The Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook Foundation 

The Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook established a Foundation in 2018 to allow both Members as well as Non-Members to make tax deductible contributions to support local charities. Donations may be made as either Restricted Funds in which the contribution will only go to the charity requested by the donor, or Unrestricted Funds where the money will be distributed to Charities as determined by the Board of the Exchange Club. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization.




The  Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook Child Advocacy Network an initiative of the 

The Mission of the ECKS CAN is to make a positive impact on the children of Johns and Wadmalaw Islands through the exchange of needs, ideas, and solutions in alignment with the ECKS's focus on Child Abuse Prevention, Hunger, Health and Education. The following charities are supported by Grants from the Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook. A brief description of the services that they provide follows with a link to their websites. Please reach out to them as needed. To access the list of members, please click on the following link Child Advocacy Network.